What's in this course?

Prerequisite material for SDBM 365

This intensive course will cover vital aspects of shelter behavior work, from intake to post-adoption support. With the help of your peers from all over the world, we will explore both science and best practices in order to build your shelter behavior programming. Our goal is to meet and exceed industry standards, and to give every dog in your care their best chance at finding a new home. There will be an emphasis on creating written policy and protocols for your department.

Course curriculum

    1. Facebook group link for discussion

    2. Perma Zoom link for SDBM 365 meetings, every second Thursday at 10 AM or 7 PM EST

    3. Meeting Dates for 2025

    4. Onboarding meeting for March cohort

    1. Introduction

    2. What are Standard Operating Procedures, and why do I need them?

    3. What behaviors can we help in a shelter setting?

    4. Read and handle dogs well

    5. Place dogs appropriately, and place safe dogs

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. The Five Freedoms/Five Domains

    3. The Five Domains Webinar

    4. Resources

    1. Learning Objectives: Capacity for care

    2. Understanding Capacity for Care

    3. Capacity for Care calculation

    4. Resources

    1. Learning Objectives: ASV Guidelines

    2. ASV guidelines: how do you measure up?

    3. ASV Guidelines

    4. Your turn!

    5. Quiz

    6. Resources

About this course

  • $750.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


  • Who should take this course?

    Anyone wanting to learn more about shelter dog behavior. ESPECIALLY those involved in sheltering: volunteers, staff, rescues, veterinarians and vet techs, and anyone interested in a future career in animal welfare

  • What are the topics being covered?

    Each module will cover a different aspect of shelter operation, with an emphasis on meeting the behavioral needs of the dogs in our care. Starting with a review of the ASV Guidelines and Capacity for Care through Assessment, to Defensive Handling to Placement and Beyond, this course is THE industry standard for learning about dog behavior in a shelter or rescue setting.

  • Is this a live course?

    The answer is yes and no! You can work your way through the webinars and written material at your own speed. You have your choice of one of two meeting times biweekly. If you can't make it live, you can watch the recording.

  • Are there CEUs available for this course?

    CEU's are pending for the expanded 365 version

  • What if I can't complete the course in a year?

    You will have the option to renew month-by-month if you'd like to maintain access to the material.

  • How does payment work?

    Once you have paid for this prerequisite course and completed the first meeting discussing your goals, you will be automatically enrolled in the shelter dog behavior mentorship 365 course, which will meet every two weeks for one year. You can work your way through those modules at your own speed.