Pricing options

We know that the members of the Shelter Behavior Hub Community care passionately about the animals in their care. We are able to offer these Live Chat Recordings at no cost, but if you'd like to contribute to the school and the care of the animals at Pibble Hill, here are some options. Thank you for being a part of this community!

Course curriculum

    1. Michael Shikashio - defensive handling

    1. Training Family Dogs with Jeff Silverman

    2. Live Chat recording

    3. Resources

    1. Who is Devan?

    2. Live Chat Recording

    1. Who is Diane Jessup?

    2. Live Chat Recording: Myths and Facts on Pit Bulls and Dogfighting

    3. Resources

    1. Who is Sonia?

    2. Live Chat Recording

    3. Resources

    4. Sonia video 1

    5. Sonia video 2

    6. Sonia video 3

    7. Sonia video 4

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 61 lessons
  • 23 hours of video content